Website Description and Website Content

Website Description and Website Content

Creating the right Website Description for Your Website Contents

Although many people prefer modern Web design in FLASH with lots of JAVA applets and CSS and they might think that the old-fashioned, plain HTML, text based web design is something that belongs to the history, the truth, regarding to the search engine optimization is far more different.

For most of the Search Engine Spiders, those pages are not readable. Images are not readable too. Neither are Adobe PDF documents (although there’s now some beta version of spiders who can read PDF documents). Most of JAVA applets also are not readable, and indexing of Dynamic ASP, PHP and HTML pages if their contents change very often, could be avoided as well.

So, in order to achieve better search engine placement for your website, avoid all of above mentioned new fashion styles, and create in pure old text HTML based pages as much as possible.

If you are offering downloading of PDF files, be sure that you also have a text based version, or a least a short overview of what’s in the PDF files.

If there is a text converted into pictures such as JPG or GIF, be sure to include ALT description tags for them.

Many experienced Web designers are offering to the visitors both HTML and FLASH pages at the entrance of their Website. Not only because they are concerned about dial-up modem users and their narrow bandwidth, but also to assure indexing of their Website to the Search Engines Spiders.

The Content of Your website must be meaningful, no matter whether your site is a Web Shop or just your personal or family site, or education site, a forum etc.

As more of plain text is in your site, the index and probably the ranking will be better. A Website with lot of text, with many pages whose number rapidly increases through a long period of time will be welcomed by search engines and ranked well.

But, there is no an end of story. You must also to Submit Your Site to the Search Engines not only with the right, carefully chosen keywords, but also with precisely defined ”Site Description”.

Site Description must be short, concise and focused on the most important content of your website.

Your Website Description will be checked and compared with your Keywords and with the entire content of your Website. If the relevance is high then there are more chances that your website will be ranked high. If your website’s Keywords, Site Description and Content do not match each other, there is a chance that your website will be considered as ”spam”.

So, be careful in selecting the right Website Description with which you will submit your Website to the Search Engines.

It is also important that there is a lot of Keywords through your entire Website. However, be careful… Too frequent mentioning of Keywords will also be considered as possible ”spam”.

And, it is always a good idea to offer some ”free stuff” on your site. Search Engines and Spiders just love them…